Online & Mobile: fleetaid:data

fleetaid:data is our own real-time customer information and reporting portal, giving customers access to real time, constantly updated reports and statistics on their breakdowns.

Constantly refined and updated in line with customer feedback, the system gives comprehensive access to a wealth of reports and statistics such as:

Fleetaid: Data screen example
  • Real time breakdown notifications
  • Job search by time range, registration number and vehicle
  • Invoicing and spend total reports
  • Online customer services
  • Reports on breakdowns by location

We can also create white label solutions to enable full, branded access to the system for our customers' end users.
Contact us for more information.

fleetaid:data on the move

Mobile Site

fleetaid:data is available as a mobile site optimised for most mobile and smart phones with an internet connection.

You can view the mobile site at

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