
Fleet Support Operations are working towards complying with Priority 2 of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We are continually making improvements to meet these guidelines, and our website has been designed to comply with these guidelines.

Access Keys

The following access keys may help you to navigate around this website.

  • 1  Home
  • 2  Our Service
  • 3  Fleet Mangers
  • 4  About Us
  • 5  Client & Case Studies
  • 6  News
  • 7  Home
  • 8  Contact Us
  • 9  Site Map


Use of access keys varies according to the type of computer and web browser you are using. Instructions for some common setups are shown below.

Internet Explorer (PC)

Hold down the ALT key, press the number or letter of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER

Mozilla / Firefox (PC)

Hold down the SHIFT + ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Mozilla (Mac)

Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

Safari & Omniweb (Mac)

Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

Google Chrome (PC)

Hold down the ALT key and press the number of the access key

Google Chrome (Mac)

Hold down the ALT key resp. and press the CTRL + OPTION Key and the number of the access key

Browser Compatibility

  • Internet Explorer v7.0, v8.0
  • Firefox v3.0+
  • Safari 5.0+

On Windows platforms (98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7) & Macintosh computers (OS X).

Why Fleet Managers should use Fleet Support Operations.

Reason number 4

Industry-leading technology and online services


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